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Calgary Marketing Company

Whatever your write, say or do reflects the ethics of your Calgary marketing company – or any other company for that matter. Every time you connect with your customers your brand is on display. You can’t hide it, dress it up or sneak it up on people, the message about your company is clear and can be found in every communication you send out. Do you know how to position your company so that every message strengthens your brand? You need to. Or you may be giving out the wrong message.

Great social media marketing does not happen by accident. It is carefully planned out and executed just as any other marketing strategy is, for maximum impact in a saturated market. What you are trying to say is fighting for air space with every other marketing message and you have to bite the bullet, pull up your big boys pants and make sure yours gets to the head of the pack. It takes hours of work, but it’s worth it.
Sometimes a Calgary marketing company may design a marketing campaign that focuses on a problem. That is a tried and tested device that has brought in a lot of results… lots of results in the past. There is a time and a place to look backwards at what has been done, but the danger is that if you use this as a starting point you will continue to head that way. Innovation is not found in the rear view mirror.

Instead, focus on solutions. Highlight the positive outcome of the service or product you are marketing. That’s what people are looking for. If you are appealing to a demand market then the biggest part of the campaign is almost won. You want your company to be known as a problem solver and innovator and focusing on the solution is the only way – and if you hit a demand in the market, you’re set for an amazingly successful campaign.
Take the time to create a great marketing persona – though them you will get to know your target market and be able to create a campaign that reaches out to them. If you want to keep your marketing out of the ‘junk mail’ folder, it needs to have a clear message to the right persona. Make one and speak to it – often!
The message you present to your target market needs to be clear. Too clever and it won’t be understood, too simple and it will be too boring. If you have the right solution, targeted to the right marketing persona, all you need is the right message. There is a perfect message out there for you audience, so make sure you have the right one or ask a successful Calgary marketing company to make one for you.
INFORMED CTA’s (Calls to action)
One thing that you must include in your marketing is an intelligent CTA. Everything about it makes a difference – where you place it, what you say even down to the colour and shape of the design. You have to offer something that will galvanize your target market into action, a device that they will not be able to ignore. Make sure that you base your CTA around what your audience wants to hear, not what you want to say.

As far as what is an effective CTA, that will depend on what appeals to your marketing persona. Get all the tracking data you can and see what it says to you. The more you analyse, the more you learn.
Don’t be afraid to employ something bold and innovative with your message. Guerilla marketing is one technique that can be adapted for any market and will ensure you will be remembered. If your budget won’t stretch to a large scale event, think about using different colours, shapes or messages to get noticed. If you want to be noticed, this is no time to be looking backwards. Also include what you can ‘lay claim to’. If you use superior ingredients – tell your audience; if you have a larger range of products – make sure your customers know. It sets you apart from the crowd.

By using these devices you can make sure your marketing stands out from the crowd, also building up a relationship of trust with your chosen market. If you aren’t able to create a far reaching marketing campaign, then consider the services of a Calgary marketing company.

What more could you want?