Graphic Design: Why You Should Invest in a Newsletter | Calgary Marketing
January 10, 2018
Creating a company or business newsletter can be a great way to build company culture and promote events. Designing a newsletter doesn’t have to be expensive and time-consuming but you should ensure that it fits your branding and elevates your business rather than cheapening it. Here are a few things to keep in mind when hiring a someone to graphic design a newsletter.
There are several free designs you could use for your Newsletter out there, but you should consider making custom email newsletter graphic design that speaks to your business and your brand. Your newsletter says a lot about your brand, as much as your website or printed material does. It is advisable to custom-make your designs because the template you want to use may be the exact one the user received another email.
The first phase in designing your Newsletter is to determine what the purpose of the Newsletter is. Will the newsletter be used to sell products? Will it give information that should drive traffic back to your website? What action do you want everyone who receives your newsletter to take? Once you answer this question, it makes your graphic design simpler.
Your Newsletter must bear your brand elements. Just like your website and other promotional materials, your newsletter should contain your brand colours, fonts, shapes and logo. People should be able to recognize the newsletter once they open it by its branding.
The tone and language of your newsletter are important also. Your headline should not be too long, and it should be catchy. The words in your newsletter are as important as the way they look. Devote some time to craft your message.
It is difficult to ignore a good picture. Using a striking and attractive picture at the beginning of your design is an effective way to draw in readers. Whether you are using photographs, infographics or illustrations, make sure they are sharp and consistent with the message in your newsletter.
Use different pictures in each newsletter so each one feels new and different. You don’t want your subscribers seeing your email and thinking they read it before. The dimensions of your photographs are also important. Keep them within the size of your newsletter so that the picture is not cropped out of the newsletter.
Colours are important and you should use them effectively. If you have brand colours, stick to them. It is good for building brand identity and brand consistency. However, if you don’t, you can be guided by the colours in your brand logo.
Giving special attention to the design of your Newsletter is important and here some reasons why.
Adds credibility.
How seriously do you take your newsletter? If you don’t take it seriously, how will your audience take it seriously? Customizing your newsletter shows your audience you care enough about the message you are sending to them.
With a proper graphic design, your newsletter becomes easier to read. It is captivating because your design complements the content of the newsletter. When you design bears the colours of your brand, the fonts and other graphic design elements, it lends credibility to the newsletter. Your customers will want to read what you have sent.
Makes it responsive.
A lot of the users you are going to reach are going to open your newsletter on a mobile device. If they are not able to read your message with ease, there is a good chance they will delete it. Just like you do on your website, it is important you design your newsletter to be compatible with the smaller screens of mobile devices.
Designing a responsive newsletter could more complicated than a responsive website, so it is advised you let professionals handle this for you. Your users may be opening the emails on several different browsers and devices. It could take you hours to configure both CSS and HTML solutions for your newsletter.
If you invest in your Newsletter graphic design and hire professionals or spend some time making it responsive, you reach more of your audience.
Creates brand awareness.
Your newsletter, if properly designed is a great tool for building brand awareness. Some big brands are easily recognized, for one simple reason, we see them all the time. You would recognize a Nike or Coca-Cola logo even if you saw it on the moon. Apart from the fact that these brands have their products everywhere, they also do a lot of marketing which puts them constantly before you.
Your newsletter can do the same, even if not at the same level. When users receive properly designed, branded and engaging newsletters from you on a regular basis, they become more aware of your brand. So that next time they see any of your branded products outside of their email, they can easily recognize it.
Results in conversions.
When your newsletter is properly designed, it is easy to act on. A properly designed newsletter has a call-to-action that stands out and allows the customer to easily purchase or subscribe or do whatever else you want them to. Your newsletter does not need to have paragraph upon paragraph of information. They just need basic but compelling information and a direction on what to do next. A newsletter that is well designed makes it easy to act and the conversion results will show it.
There are several mistakes you can avoid by investing in your newsletter.
– Not adding relevant links.
It doesn’t matter how great the product you described in your newsletter is if you don’t give me a link to purchase the product. Your newsletter should have at least one call-to-action.
– Not using the right images.
Images, as we already discussed above, are very vital. When your newsletter designed, it makes use of relevant images. An image, no matter how beautiful, should not be used if it does not add value to the content of the newsletter. Images should be cut to the right size and should not be too heavy to download.
– Unorganized content.
People generally have a very low attention span. They would scan your newsletter to see if it worth reading. The way you arrange your text, bullet points, and images will determine if it is worth more than that initial scan. Start with a headline that sets the people up to read. Follow it with a clear and concise copy. Replace paragraphs with quick sentences. And get to your call-to-action as soon as you can.
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