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Calgary Graphic Design Companies

There are a wealth of opportunities with Calgary graphic design companies when you need to add some ‘zip’ to your marketing. Calgary is a city that is proud of its artistic heritage, as well it should be – with the eclectic feel of the city mixed with our many art colleges and design centers, we produce some of the best talent that Canada has seen. When you need marketing that entices and convinces, Calgary graphic design companies are more than qualified to deliver the goods. You just have to know what you’re looking for.
What is graphic design?
Graphic design is about solving problems visually.

A graphic designer uses text, illustrations, symbols, photography, textures, colours and letterforms to create print and web-based design for a huge variety of clients. They’re essentially visual problem-solvers who work fields such as branding, packaging, publishing, advertising and digital design. Movie posters, concert tickets, corporate reports, your favourite apps and of course this website … all rely on effective design to get the user’s attention and get to the heart of what the client is trying to say.

This is a great video clip that explains how graphic designers view graphic design, with some great quotes that you probably haven’t thought about before:

What elements make up Calgary graphic design?
Graphic design can use image-based designs involving photos, illustrations, logos and symbols, type-based designs, or a combination of both techniques. These designs can include various combinations of the following elements.

Lines: Straight, curved, wavy, thick, thin – when it comes to lines, the possibilities are limitless. Lines allow designers to divide a space or separate content in a layout. They can also be used to guide the eyes of the viewer, or make other elements follow a strategic path for added findability, to get the viewer easily from point A to point B.

Shapes: Shapes offer a variety of ways to fill spaces creatively, to support text and other forms of content, and to balance a design. Shapes can be created out of nothing, using white space to give a design structure and clarity.

Colour: Colour, or the absence of colour, is an important element of any design. With a solid understanding of colour theory, designers can amazingly influence a design and a brand, seamlessly integrating colour boldly or with brilliant subtlety.

Type: Type can transform a message from mere text to a work of art. Different fonts, combined with customized alignments, spacing, size, and colour, can add power to the point you are communicating to the world.
What kind of graphic designers are there?
To be honest, there are more than we can name, but to give you an idea of the wealth of talent that Calgary graphic design companies have to draw from here are the ones we regularly deal with: Creative Director – manages a creative team that creates visuals for product branding, advertising campaigns, etc. Art Director – manages and coordinate between production artists and illustrators to make sure projects are completed on time and to the client’s satisfaction. Art Production Manager – manages the production aspect of art generation and creation, with a focus on improving efficiency and lowering costs. Package Designer – creates and designs packaging for marketing and/or products in terms of both design and physical construction. Brand Identity Developer – develops brand identities for various organizations.

Visual Image Developer – create images and designs through 3D modeling, photography, and image editing.

Visual Journalist – Among other things, create informational graphics known as infographics. This can be be both for print or digital application.

Broadcast Designer – create visual designs and electronic media to be used in television productions.

Logo Designer– create the visual expression of the organization’s key message or value. This is also a key aspect of brand identity – though in identity design, you carry the logo and design identity forward for all branding materials.

Interface Designer – develop graphical user interfaces and usually work for web development companies.

Illustrator – have an art as well as a design background, can create illustrations to represent an idea, message, and/or story through 2D and 3D images.

Web Designer – create graphics, layouts, and pages for websites.

Multimedia Developer – Applies graphic design skills to sound and/or motion.

Content Developer – create written, graphical, video, sound, or other multimedia content depending on the brief.

If you need persuasive and unique digital marketing done, or any kind of online marketing, you need to talk to Calgary graphic design companies and find one that ‘gels’ with you. As with art, advertising has to suit the person that commissions it. You need to be able to work with the marketing company you select for a long time, so learn a little about what they do, take time to see their marketing art and then harness the power they have to bring in sales.

Aligning your sales goals with the talent of Calgary graphic design companies is a smart way to work hard – and then explode your return on investment.